Tuesday 20 November 2012

Hello blog-heads

I hope you are well.

Today we have our last blog post. I will ask you to write about your blogging experience and English learning.
What are the positive aspects of writing on the blog?
How do you think it has helped your English skills?
How aspects of written English do you think you have improved?
Are any negative comments to make about this method?
Please back up your ideas and give examples if you wish.

Write 3 comments on your classmates blogs.
Write a minimum of 260 words.
I need to ask you to do the evaluacion del curso right now.
Please go to
On the left hand side you will find Evaluacion docente. Please answer the questions.It is anonymous and important for the programme and myself.
Thanks in advance.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

One great film I've seen in the last few years is a British film called ”Fish Tank”. I actually saw it at home on DVD as I don't go to the cinema very often any more (I've been once this year). The film is an independent movie by director Andrea Arnold and my friend Terry suggested that I watch it. The film tells the story of a young girl from a broken home growing up in a poor part of London. The film is a drama and it stars unknown actors. The lead role is played by Katie Jarvis and it also stars Michael Fassbender who is the star of another movie I was going to write about (and best movie I've seen this year) "Shame" by British director Steve McQueen (A must see movie - Watch it!!!). I enjoyed Fish Tank because it is a very British movie and it relates to elements of British culture that many people don't know about. But it is also the situation of many people. The young girl in the story is a bit of a loner and has a very troubled home life. Actually, I've just seen that the full film is available (subtitled) on Youtube:)

Write about a movie you enjoyed. Say: What it's called, where and when you saw it, which actors star in it, What genre it is, What it's about, Why you enjoyed it. Mention anything else you find interesting. DO NOT write a summary of the movie. DO NOT copy and paste texts from IMDB or any other online site. It is your ideas I am after. Leave comments on your teacher's blog and the blogs of at least 3 classmates.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Today we will practice for the final exam. Go to the following links and practice! Reading: http://www.examenglish.com/PET/pet_reading1.htm http://www.examenglish.com/PET/reading1.htm http://www.examenglish.com/PET/pet_reading2.htm Listening: http://www.examenglish.com/PET/pet_listening_part1.htm http://www.examenglish.com/PET/pet_listening_part2.htm Vocabulary: http://www.examenglish.com/PET/pet_vocab.htm Post on your blog about your performance :)

Tuesday 23 October 2012

There aren't many good websites dedicated to learning English that are free of charge. In my opinion, the BBC is the best. Go to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/ Take a look around, then tell me what you think. Some specials "beat the keeper","flatmates", the teacher, phonetics, wordmaster, among others. Write at least 200 words about activities done and your opinion of the site, please. Don't forget to post comments on at least 3 blogs

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Write about your favorite song in English at the moment,say: >when you heard it the first time
why you liked it />what it makes you feel />what type of music it is />Add any other relevant details you can think of. />Put up the video of the song or the link. 190 words minimum Write a comment to the teacher and 4 comments.

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Day one

I still remember my first day at university. Obviously, I don’t remember all the details since it was ages ago, but I do remember special things. But to set you in the context, let me tell you I did translation first but I was not sure I wanted that. However, I decided I would finish and then study sociology. I finished my course and started working as a translator and teacher. I also got to interpret stuff and I found it really fun and the money was Ok. This is why I thought; maybe I should get a teaching degree after all. I started looking at the possibilities around and wasn’t too impressed. So I decided to go away. My first day at pedagogy was very exciting. Most classmates seemed younger and really nervous. I remember this very formal teacher talking to us about Education and the importance of being a teacher with a vocation. He also mentioned some really interesting facts about curriculum, assessment, and didactics, which made me think, O.M.G “this is where I need to be”. I listened to all these words as if they were said to me only and I really got engaged. Then, we had the break and had some coffee with my classmates who mostly had found the speech really boring and meaningless. I remember having a nice chat with Gabriela, we spoke about music and also different places where you could teach. It was a nice day and I’ll never forget that particular first class. Sociology is still on waiting list... Talk about your first day at university. Mention: How you felt What the first few classes were like Who you spoke to What you did Anything else you find relevant. write a minimum of 180 words and 4 comments

Tuesday 25 September 2012

I don't normally get involved with the celebrations for Fiestas Patrias or the national holidays. Reason being, I feel nowadays there is little independence to refer to. I always wonder how the native people in our country feel during these celebrations. But let’s face it; it is a great opportunity to have a relaxing time. I used to go to barbeques with friends or house parties but I never enjoyed going to fondas in Santiago because I always found them over-crowded and over-priced. In fact the only fonda I ever really enjoyed was 10 or 12 years ago when I went to Algarrobo. I went with my darling husband, a British friend of his, Karen, and a very good Chilean friend of mine, Claudio. Connie, Claudio’s girlfriend at the time, was there too. Claudio's parents have a house in Algarrobo and we went to stay there for a couple of days. It was great being near the beach and getting some fresh sea air. Also, the weather was warm and sunny during the daytime and not too cold in the evenings. The fonda was on the main road leading into Algarrobo and we went twice on consecutive evenings. There were lots of people but the atmosphere was friendly. We did the typical things like play some games, eat empanadas and drink chicha. There was music and people dancing cueca. Later on we drank piscolas and danced (shuffled about!!) to cumbias. We all enjoy our national holiday for different reasons, I suppose. Write about a Fiestas Patrias celebration you remember: Say: When it was, What you did, Who you were with, Why you enjoyed it. Write a minimum of 180 words. Write a comment on your teacher's blog and 2 comments on your classmates' blogs.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Hi everyone:
Since today we are talking about personal things, I'd like to talk about a good friend of mine. I met Ivonne in around 2000 because she was a my sister's classmate at Uni and they were pretty close. Later, my sister left to live in the UK and didn't see Ivonne again until around 2005. I am not sure how we got in touch again but I am glad we did because I feel she is really nice company. I like talking to her about anything because most of the time she has wise words to tell me. Plus, she has a great sense of humor and is a very active woman.
I'd say we have things in common. We like music and arts in general, and we share our sense of humor & we love animals. We don't eat them ! I really enjoy our evening meetings to have a drink and play music. Ivonne plays the guitar magnificently and can pick like few people I have met. But she is very humble about her guitar playing and that is nice too.

She is a lawyer, but one of the smart ones who will always tell you about the details of the legal actions you take. Furthermore, most of the time she knows what is going on with the laws they will pass or if they already passed them and how they affect us. It is a pitty we only see each other 3 or 4 times a year.
Write about a good friend of yours:
Who it is,
How you met,
What things you have in common,
How often you see your friend.
Write at least 200 words. Leave a comment on 4 classmates' blogs .

English help

Here are some examples so you use tenses correctly. Notice the previous post has a verb list and therefore, you can look at the verb and tense you want to use.
what I normally do:
Nosotros vamos a conciertos 1 vez al año/ Nunca leo sobre arte/ My mama trabaja en su casa.
We go to concerts one time a year / I never read about arts / My mom works at home

When I want to talk about a particular occasion.
En esa oportunidad yo fui al campo/ Nosotros estábamos cansados ese día/ Comió el pastel y se fue.
I went to the country on that occasion /We were tired that day/ She ate the cake and left.
About things that started in the past and continue to the present...
He estado bien cansada ultimamente/ No he comprado tantos dulces / He querido ir pero no he podido
I have been tired lately/ I have not (haven't) bought many sweets/ I have wanted to go but haven't been able to.

When I am talking about the past and I want to refer to something further in the past.

Ese día me di cuenta que lo había visto más temprano. / Hasta entonces no había tenido tiempo.
That day I realized I had seen him earlier./ I hadn't had time until then.

Si tengo tiempo, te llamare.
If I have time, I will call you.

Si tuvierda tiempo, te llamaría.
If I had time, I would call you.

Si hubiera tenido tiempo, te hubiera llamado
If I had had time, I would have called you.

I hope this helps :)

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Your first task is to create a blog and to link all your classmates. Then you have to write a short introduction of yourself.To begin with you need to create a gmail account.

Then, go to blogger.com and follow the instructions.

Please remember to change the language during set up so that your blog is in English.

1. If you have a google or gmail account: sign in first, if you don’t have a google account: create a google account

2. Go to: http://www.blogger.com/
3. Click: create your blog now
4. Name your blog
5. Choose any template you like
6. Go to dashboard, scroll down to the bottom of the page & change the language to English.
7.go to design, click on add a gadget and then click on linklist

8. Start posting (dashboard) a short introduction